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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Twelve Springs of Musa

According to the Quran, after the crossing of the Red Sea, the Children of Israel were divided into twelve tribes and Musa was commanded to strike a rock with his staff, from which, twelve springs sprang forth. Each tribe was given one spring to drink from and Allah provided them with the shade of clouds and with manna and salwa (quail) to eat. Today only seven of the twelve springs still exist. They are referred to as Oyun Musa (عيون موسى). They are located about 20km south of the Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel. They are behind a village known as Sharm al Skeikh. The villagers have many stalls set up along the springs where they sell hand made souvenir jewellery. The area is surrounded by a lot of date palm trees and desert area. It is very close to the Suez Canal.

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