Some Muslims believe he is the pharaoh that drowned in the sea and the one that is mentioned in Quran while others believe that it was his son Merneptah that pursued Musa and drowned in the sea.
Merneptah was the fourth ruler of the 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. He ruled for almost ten years between late July or early August 1213 to May 2, 1203 BC. Merneptah was originally buried in the Valley of the Kings but his mummy was not found there and was later discovered along with eighteen other mummies in the mummy cache found in the tomb
of Amenhotep II. ...................................Merneptah
Merneptah's mummy was then taken to Cairo and unwrapped. For the Muslims who believe that Mernept
ah is the pharaoh that drowned in the sea, their theory is that two pharoahs lived at the time of Musa; Ramesses and his son Merneptah. They believe that Ramesses is the pharaoh that ordered for the Hebrew boys to be killed but that this pharoah died and when Musa returned to Egypt, Merneptah
was in rule and he is the one who pursued Banu Israiel into the sea and drowned. A French scientist, Maurice Bucaille rented the bodies of these pharoahs and according to him, Merneptah is the one with salt in his body and not Ramesses. Allah said in the Quran translated as " So today we have preserved your body as a sign for those after you, and verily a lot of people are negligent of our signs. " Pharoah is the worst person to have ever walked on the face of the earth. He claimed to be God. Allah destroyed him and all his accomplices and we should take lessons from this and incidents similar to this nature and Allah knows best. The two unlabled pictures are two other mummies on display at the Cairo Museum.

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