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Monday, March 16, 2009

Shopping in Egypt

So my first two weeks were spent in organizing myself and settling in etc. We visited some of my Egyptian friends and went a little shopping. Two main shopping malls in Cairo to note. Firstly City Stars which has everything you can think about from A to Z. When I say everything, I mean everything. This mall has 6 floors and each floor is about the size of Trincity Mall in Trinidad. That's not the best part sisters.

All the food in this country is halaal, so all the K.F.C's, Mc Donalds, Hardees, Papa Johns, Pizza Huts, T.G.I Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, Chillies is edible. Plus they have places that we don't have in Trinidad like Cinnabon, Starbucks, Costa, Claires and much much more. Then there's another mall by the name of Carrefour. It's not as big as City Stars but you'll find all the same places.
Obviously street shopping is way cheaper than the malls and wait until you hear the prices in the markets. I paid about $4 TT for 5lbs of strawberries. The fruits here are amazing. The oranges are actually orange and extremely sweet. A huge romaine lettuce is about $2 TT. But here's the catch... there are no hot peppers at all, no hot pepper sauce and no green seasoning, so walk with it if you're coming and unless you like Egyptian curry, walk with your Chief Brand. Electronics are pretty reasonable as well. Some things are really cheap and some are about the price you would get them for in the States. Supposedly the place to shop is the Khan e Khalili Bazaar but I haven't been there yet so check me back and I'll let you know. In the mean time enjoy the pics of City Stars Mall.

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