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Monday, March 16, 2009

First impresion of Egypt

So alhamdulillah my family and I are all in Egypt now. Just doing some Islamic studies to try to get closer to our creator as is supposed to be the main focus of all Muslims. We've been here for about two weeks now and man do I have a lot to tell you guys. Hmmmm where do we start? Lets start from the airport in Cairo. My wife wears a veil of her own free will . As we all know it's not compulsory in Islam but optional based on a persons own God consiousness. So from Trinidad through England onwards to Cairo she had no problems and I say alhamdulillah for that. Actually the immigration officers in England were so nice they actually told her to go in the back with a woman and raise her veil. I didn't request that because I always tell my wife not to make it a problem. It's an optional act so if they want to see your face, raise it right there whether there's one man or fifty it doesn't matter just show them. We as muslims must not be pig headed but understand their concerns. It's a part of their job so if we comply we make it easier for other Muslims. So we arrived at Cairo international and the immigration officer was a man who asked my wife to lift her veil. He didn't even have the courtesy to ask her to do it in the presence of a woman. Not only that but when he saw her face in her passport he went around to all his co-workers for them to view my beautiful moviestar wife lol. Tell me bout it man. Anyways from the airport we went to my friends house to spend a few days until we organized our own apartment. That was around 12am. This country never sleeps and that's all due to the lack of crime. When people hear about Egypt they think oh boy! , Middle East bombs etc. Man that's all so far from these people. The last bombing was about a month ago. It killed one french woman and that was the first in 10 yrs. The malls here close at midnight and it's just as busy at 2am as it is at 2pm. You might be surprised though to find some people who don't care much for Islam but there are a lot of people here who truly love Islam and really practice it properly and you'll never find a better host than an Egyptian. But definately the best part is waking up to multiple adhans every morning and truly being able to pray everywhere. Don't worry i'll keep you guys posted on all things Egypt.

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